March 30, 2005
Why isn't someone de-linking me? I'm an amoral anti-feedtube unfeeling pro-death party to murder, too!
I'm kind of hurt, if you want to know the truth.
If you want to make a statement about the worth of Terri's life, at least do it with a little panache, like McGehee did when he posted his living will. Because beyond the Anglo-Saxon flourishes, he actually makes some good points other than "I don't want people to visit sites I disagree with."
UPDATE: The Chadster decides to "kill 'em all, and let God sort them out." Good man.
It's the sweater avatar.
Nobody would dare delink.
Fear the power of my maurauding breasts!
Fear the power of my maurauding breasts!
Hey, stop exploiting the male readers, here. That's just cruel.
Anyway...while I have found the arguments for removing the tube anal and/or "milquetoast"-ish, at best myself, I've gotta say that this guy is a moron. Newsflash, people say stuff that you will disagree with. Hardly a day goes by where I don't get perturbed about something that someone on "my side" has said. I've done it with topics from Schiavo to Star Wars. But I keep reading and linking. Why? Because if I stopped reading people whenever I got mad at them, I would only read myself. And I'm not even sure about that.
Case in point? Joseph Farah of WND. I like the guy, I like his analysis on most things, but he's an ideological Gibraltar. He proudly proclaims that he hardly ever endorses anyone running for office. There's a reason for that. Because neither he, nor a clone of himself is running.
So, how is that mindset politically viable? I mean, sheesh, might as well start up 300,000,000 political parties and save a little aggro.
Anyway, what I guess I'm trying to say is, I'm all for Terri living at most all costs, but I find the extreme morons on both sides of the question (Andrew Sullivan, Hundred Percent, and others) to be highly retarded and anal. If your ideological purity (which is for all purposes nonexistant, as nobody is ever 100% intellectually honest or consistant) is so important to you that you can't bear to even associate with a different point of view, get ready for a sad, boring life.
Well said.
All those in favor of Terri living, go back 16 years and tell her to eat sensibly or she'll be dead within a year.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this the guy who had the dust up with the teen age blogger?
I may have come down on his side of this one but he has never been on my blog roll and isn't doing much to get there.
LMA, whom I disagreed with, along with all the others he mentioned, stays.
Thank you.
But actually, I believe Hundred Percenter was simply the guy who chronicaled the problem with young Austin. As I recall the person who got bent out of shape about the kid's actions was this guy:
(I'm giving the whole URL since there's that problem with links in my comments section)
On second thought, crap on this hippy stuff. I'm delinking everyone.
I promise to link, then de-link, as soosn as you flash me some sweater.
"Anglo-Saxon flourishes"?
Them ain't "flourishes," them is essential to the, as you say, "panache." Because although I generally do not indulge in such language, there are certainly occasions where nothing else will express it.
Thank you for the compliment, BTW. I have yet to drop anyone from my blogroll over this matter, and increasingly it looks like I may make that fact a point of pride.
The least Hundred Percenter could have done was link me before he attacked me so that he could delink me. I tell ya, it's just not fair.
How could anyone delink someone named Joy who has that avatar?
Ah, minds twisted by a sweater...
A public delinking is nothing more than a personal tantrum.
But I disagree with your characterization that it is an effort to prevent other people from reading the sites he disagrees with.
Tell me, does anyone really get their daily dose of blog reading by using *someone else's* blogroll? A blogroll is little more than a statement of who the blogger likes to read (or chooses to promote) and why.
Personally, if I were to delink someone, it would mean nothing more than I am sick of reading their shit and don't want the link taking up space on my sidebar anymore. Everyone else is quite free to keep reading it, and for non-bloggers, the keystroke combo is "Ctrl-D".
Censorship? Sheesh...
I think I edit my sidebar every now and again and take out people who aren't posting as much, or moved, or changed their subject matter to something that thrills me less.
I don't think de-linking is censorship, but as you pointed out it's rather silly to do it in that public way. And you are correct: there's a certain sense that one is "promoting" the occupants of one's sidebar, even if they are part of the opposition. (For instance, I've felt for a while that I needed more lefty sites on my sidebar, but the good ones are difficult to suss out.)
And I'm sure that there are some blog readers who "make their rounds" by going to their favorite blogs and then jumping to other favorites via the blogroll.
Well if you can encourage k to begin blogging, that will be one to start with.
Absolutely; she's so good at digging out information.
Of course, I've nagged enough, and I know she's planning on starting soon. So I'm being quiet for now.
Your Daddy would be proud of you!
Now get your foot off his hose.
Had I known about all of your websites, and linked up-- I'd send you all to the grimy trash can, except Pirate.
For what it's worth, Mr. Teach is somewhat civil, unlike myself. I'm too bellicose for the lot of you.
No doubt about that last statement!
A celebrity de-linker, on my very own site. Exciting!
Are you here to start a war between the Christians and the Jews again?--those are always so bracing. Though I just might be Jew-less at the moment; should I bring one in for you?
Or are you on an ethnic hunt? For what it's worth I'm just a white girl with a smidgeon of Jewish, a smattering of native American, and massive numbers of English/Dutch forebears, several of whom got here on the Mayflower. We're pretty much blue collar folk: farmers and teachers, until my brother and I screwed everything up by not going into either field.
I'd recommend that you stick with variations on "white trash," and trailer trash. You could call my brother a red nigger, but that would bring the wrath of the family on you, so that's a dicey idea.
Do with that what you will. But recognize that my commenters are evenly divided on the Terri Schiavo case. If you stir up trouble between them, you might find your comments dissapearing mysteriously--or worse.
Your ranting is tiresome. Why don't you apply the same critical analysis to Jeff use of the word "crist-humper" or the term "wearing a crown of thorns?"
But then again, I wouldn't expect that from a lib like you.
Ill link ya Attila.
1) Jeff G has apologized for using the term "Christ-humper."
2) He only used that term after you used the expression "don't get your beenie [sic] in a twist," and after being baited by the people at your site.
3) I have no problem with the crown of thorns imagery, which after all,
a. was only used after you called Jeff a "Christophobe," and
b. is a very common strain of imagery when someone is accusing someone else of martyrdom. Like it or not, Jesus is the classic martyr in human history, so it's to be expected that we're going to hear this sort of thing in literature. A few classic songs come to mind right off the bat: "Lover's Cross," by Jim Croce; "Crucify," by Tori Amos. And:
c. Furthermore, Jeff's attitude toward people of faith is nothing but respectful, if one takes his work as a whole. A respectable proportion of his readers are Christians (I'd say more Christians than Jews, in fact).
In short, mostly people get along. Except you.
FWIW, I don't think you owe me any kind of an apology. But if your public de-linking was supposed to be an act of integrity, rather than a junior-high-level stunt, then it follows that you'd want to comment on it as little as possible. Stay quiet, keep your own counsel. Don't go looking for trouble.
Because it appears that trouble is easy to find.
Atila is a lib? I love conservative purity tests, they get me all tingly.
Sorry, I know that crap bugs you.
Don't sweat it.
Explain to me why the word beanie is insulting?
I don't give two-sh*ts about his apology. He said what he said, because he meant it. No need to cower now and backtrack. A man who reacts first, without thinking lacks leadership and rational thinking traits. That bill fits Jeff perfectly.
It's as if you are living in a pc correct bubble.
Don't worry, LMA. I put out the word for everyone to delink you:
Thanks, Itsapundit.
HP: The conventional wisdom is that you were alluding to the yarmulke worn by Jewish men. It didn't happen to be the first thing that jumped to my mind, but it's worth noting that you didn't protest against that interpretation. When it was taken as an anti-Semitic slur, you didn't argue with that at all. Now you're saying, "why is everybody mad at me?"
I dunno, Kiddo. I just don't know.
Well noone really cares what the facts are do they? Jeff's minions, including yourself, took on the character of a mob.
My remark to him was meant to poke him in the chest, not insult his ethnicity. It was in repsonse to a multitude of snide, underhanded remarks that Jeff had posted.
While it may not offend your sensibilities, It burns me up when someone mocks my religion by using the Jesus' name in his corny jokes and constantly referring to me as some religious quack.
BTW- the last time I was in a place of worship was when my son was baptised.
I know. You said that before.
Please. No way is this Christ-humper the REAL Hundred Percenter. It's probably Sondra, having some fun.
Had I known about all of your websites, and linked up-- I'd send you all to the grimy trash can, except Pirate.
Really? Considering my position on the issue--which I have NOT been shy about expressing on my site--this suggests a few things about your true motives. Your way or the highway, with you yourself at the head of the pack, eh? Sheit... :D
BTW- the last time I was in a place of worship was when my son was baptised.
Then why are you so damn touchy about it? Why do you really care if you're so nominal that you brag on the point repeatedly? You would think someone like me, who attends church regularly, would be the one to fly off.
Or not. Maybe it's not about ideology with me.
Look, I am not happy to find so many people that I agree with on other subjects on the other side of the fence on this one. "Disgusted", I said on my site. Yet a difference of opinion is inevitable--even on a topic as near and dear to my heart as this one--and the emotional charge of the moment does not make for sound long term strategy. It merely clarifies a few things for future alliance building.
But your little stunt is transparent for what it is. Take your damn ball and go home if you must. Quit trying to take half the party with you.
We're not following, by the way.
Sheesh, and I'm not even linked HERE.
Alla this trouble for nuthin..........
(Jeff, You're gonna get a lickin' for this ;)
Most of us recognize a publicity stunt when we see one. And I'm not talking about Miss Attila.
Talk to The Jeff, Juliette. I tried to stay outta this fray....with honest intentions and the integrity what I'm famous for.
SondraK: ????
Jeff! Now look what you've done...
Lurves ya Juliette;)
Oh *Jeff.* He's The Jeff now...
Actually I was referring to the public de-linking guy.
Well, for what it's worth I knew what you meant.
The Jeff.
Kind of like The Donald...

About Joy W. McCann: I've been interviewed for Le Monde and mentioned on Fox News. I once did a segment for CNN on "Women and Guns," and this blog is periodically featured on the New York Times' blog list. My writing here has been quoted in California Lawyer. I've appeared on The Glenn and Helen Show. Oh—and Tammy Bruce once bought me breakfast.
My writing has appeared in The Noise, Handguns, Sports Afield, The American Spectator, and (it's a long story) L.A. Parent. This is my main blog, though I'm also an alumnus of Dean's World, and I help out on the weekends at Right Wing News.
My political philosophy is quite simple: I'm a classical liberal. In our Orwellian times, that makes me a conservative, though one of a decidedly libertarian bent.

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