August 07, 2007
Geena Davis Spoke Yesterday.
on behalf of See Jane, her new entertainment watchdog group that looks at issues of gender disparity in children's entertainment. So far, most of their research has focused on strict counting of characters in shows, which I don't find useful. What I find more interesting is the mushy, subjective stuff: how many strong female protagonists are there, for example? The number of "extras" in a cartoon that are male doesn't matter much to me.
And, needless to say, I'm in favor of neither government mandates on these issues, nor arbitrary guidelines that place handcuffs on writers and story editors. There are enough restraints on creativity in the world of children's programming as it is.
Nonetheless, it's worth keeping an eye on, so to speak: the idea of female visibility/freedom implied in a group like See Jane is another one of the fundamental liberal values that we need to promote. It is yet another Western notion that is under threat by Islamo-Fascism.
Just as I seek to make common cause with moderate Muslims, so I also intend to continue my dialogue with feminists who are seeking to enhance female visibility, support continuing opportunities for women, and fight the spread of Sharia law and other fundamentally sexist, oppressive political systems worldwide.
Very often, of course, the moderate Muslims and the creative feminists will turn out to be the same people. And that is delightful.
In comedy, a woman can hit a man and people will laugh. A man hitting a woman is never treated as anything but the horrendous crime it is.
Unless Geena Davis is interested in correcting that double standard, I am not interested in her organization.
I bet you pictured her with a cell phone tower on her head, right?
I actually think there is a lot to be done in the arena of violence against men by women--so much domestic violence goes contrary to the establised myths. (And that's not even getting into gay-on-gay domestic violence.)
But Davis is speaking as a concerned parent: her goals are long-term ones regarding how we educate our girls to grow up into independent women. And that is, in fact, one of the Western world's strengths vis a vis the Islamofascists: our boys (and girls) are brought up by women who know what they need to know, and can teach them a good part of what they'll be using to get by in the world. The I-F's still expect "a servile womb to breed free men."
And, D, I'm not sure: I can never see Ms. Davis's face. It's just too far up there. Thank goodness for television monitors.
The I-F's still expect "a servile womb to breed free men."
Um, no.
Servile wombs, yes.
Free men? no.
At least not in the sense we understand "free".
"are brought up by women who know what they need to know, and can teach them a good part of what they'll be using to get by in the world"
Geez Attila I have read this at a couple of times and still cannot make any sense of what these women know.
Please enlighten us all what values are imparted in the western world that eliminate domestic violence.
And speaking of your knowledge about other cultures, let me know how many muslim countries you have been to and what kind of statistics you have gathered while you were doing your PHD.
Well, there is the fact that when domestic violence does occur in the West, it is treated as a serious CRIMINAL matter. How about that?
Don't get me wrong Attila, I am just asking where you get your information from? Is there a class offered in Harvard or MIT called Islmo-fascism 101 that I missed out on? Where the west is compared with the east and it is proven once and for all that one way is better than the other.
Did you do your research in different cultures and are now ready to publish your results? Or do you make this stuff up on your own, assuming that since this is your blog nobody will dare challenge you.
And now to you Darrell, treating it as a serious criminal matter has solved the problem according to you? And we should not even bother with it, at least here in the West? Gimme a break!
Azmat, (1) I'm not big on formal schooling/credentials. If you want to read someone who has a doctorate, I could certainly provide you with some pointers. Or you might try searching "blog Ph.D.," or some such.
(2) My entry wasn't about domestic violence at all, but if you're interested in studying the rates of domestic violence among Westerners (including Muslims) vs. that among fundamentalist Muslms, and those who live under Islamist regimes, you could start by researching laws in the different countries/populations involved.
[a] You might compare the rate of "honor killings" within populations;
[b] You might look at how many battered women's shelters there are in Muslim countries, vs. in Western/Westernized countries.
[c] You might look at what percentage of women in battered women's shelters in, say, London, are women from traditionalist Muslim households vs. those who are from other demographics (e.g., Hindus, non-believers, Jews, and Christians).
Domestic violence is a difficult problem to solve. I'm not certain we'll ever completely eliminate it. However, the rate is bound to be lower among groups that do not promote the murder of one's own daughter as a "necessity" under certain circumstances (e.g., she's been raped, or she was seen talking to a man--or, heaven forfend--actually dated one). This is, of course, just a theory of mine: I haven't set about proving it, or published it in a paper.
Call it a hunch.
Treating it as a criminal matter EVERY TiME IT OCCURS is a start. Better than treating it as a birthright, wouldn't you say?
Got any degrees from Harvard or MIT, Azmat? Be honest now . . .
And, btw, if the East is so superior, what are you doing here? Airline screwup? I'm still confused.
I am needed here !
And I never said anything about superior, its all the same to me. And who told you that domestic violence was a birthright, just another of many lies, that you have accepted without question.
As far as the Law is concerned, you are making my argument for me. "our boys (and girls) are brought up by women.." If they are brought up in such a manner then why would you need such tough Laws?
And Attila, You want me to look at statistics, I suggest you do the same and while you are at it visit some other countries and gain some perspective, I plan to go to India and Pakistan this Christmas, you are more than welcome to be my guest Just pay for your ticket I will take care of the rest.
I am so glad to see you acknowledge your theory and hunch. You are on the right track if you are able to recognize that you have made up this bias opinion without any evidence.
1. Honor killings happen in every culture
2. how many battered women's shelter? What does that prove that there are more battered women here, because there are more shelters here?
3. Percentage of women from muslim countries, would probably be lower per capita, check it out. Even though it is an inappropriate sample.
I'd love to see your examples of honor killings among Jews, Christians, Hindus and athiests. Or among Europeans, Indians, blacks or Buddhists.
In short, I'd be interested in any honor killings among the above demographics within the last 100 years.
And I'd love to go to India and Pakistan! Unfortunately, I can't afford a ticket right now. Dang!
Attila, I have personally seen honor killings right here happening every day. You are unable to see it!
Let me give you only three examples:
1: A marine comes back home and finds his wife has been cheating on him. He kills her, and commits suicide. I don't know what you call it, I call it honor killing.
2. A young girl that I knew, was kicked out of her house at the age of 16 because she was hooked on drugs. One night she came to her mother begging to please let her in. The mother refused, the next day the girl was found dead!
The mother protected her honor, call it tough love, but lost a daughter, that in my books is honor killing.
3. A father killed himself and his family, it came out that he was about to be exposed and out of guilt and shame he killed his whole family.
There are hundreds of such stories, and you might not see it as honor killing, because it does not fit your paradigm.
Now as far as the links are concerned Darrell, those of us who refuse to think for ourself, use that as a crutch. You are more than welcome to post a dozen links, but just a simple thought from your own brain makes for a far more convincing argument. Unless you want me to think that like other organs in your body, you have decided to retire that organ and replace it with an electronic device.
And Attila, If $1500 is a lot of money for you, I can raise that for you. We will raise it on the website. Don't let that be your reason, If you really want to experience the world and are curious and want to know what it is really like, there is always a way. Then again, some don't want to think outside their comfort zone. And maybe you are not willing to confront your bias yet.
I have mechanical devices too.
You'll have to give me a raincheck, Az. If only I had fewer clients right now, I'd kill to go to India OR Pakistan. Next time, maybe.
D: ;)

About Joy W. McCann: I've been interviewed for Le Monde and mentioned on Fox News. I once did a segment for CNN on "Women and Guns," and this blog is periodically featured on the New York Times' blog list. My writing here has been quoted in California Lawyer. I've appeared on The Glenn and Helen Show. Oh—and Tammy Bruce once bought me breakfast.
My writing has appeared in The Noise, Handguns, Sports Afield, The American Spectator, and (it's a long story) L.A. Parent. This is my main blog, though I'm also an alumnus of Dean's World, and I help out on the weekends at Right Wing News.
My political philosophy is quite simple: I'm a classical liberal. In our Orwellian times, that makes me a conservative, though one of a decidedly libertarian bent.

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